Historic Irvington Halloween Posters for sale
Select Historic Irvington Posters Available for Sale
Irvington, located on the east side of Indianapolis, has a long history of celebrating Halloween. The original Irvington Halloween Festival was held on October 31, 1927. It featured a parade of masked and costumed adults and children marching down Washington Street led by the Indianapolis Military Band. The Great Depression and World War II moved the celebration to the back burner for a number of years. In October 1946, the Irvington Businessmen’s Association decided that the time was right to revive the Halloween Festival. The Irvington Post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars was in charge of the parade, and former Indiana governor Henry Schricker, Indianapolis mayor General Robert Tyndall, Indianapolis postmaster Adolph Seidensticker, three-time Indianapolis 500 winner Wilbur Shaw, served as judges. The revived festival drew a crowd of 9,000 with 500 costumed children marching in the parade.
In the 1980’s, colorful eye-catching posters appeared advertising the annual event. In the 1990’s this evolved into an annual competition to select the poster that would represent that year’s festival. The Irvington Historical Society has a limited number of these highly treasured collectables available for sale.
All sales go to support the Bona Center and the Irvington historical Society.